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Trail Counts

The MPO maintains infrared people counters throughout our urban trail network, marked with the purple circles below.

Click each circle to see available average daily trail counts per year. The size of the circle corresponds to average daily counts in 2023.

Trail Count Data

Quick Stats:
  • 6,071,737 people were counted between 2013 and mid-2024
  • Walkers are not distinguished from bicyclists
  • Trail use increased by 50% in 2020 compared to 2019
  • Trail use was still 17% greater in 2023 than in 2019
Total Counts Per Trail, 2013-2023

Additional data from more recently placed counters will be added when a full year of data is available and has been processed.

2023 Summary Trail Data

Total Monthly Trail Counts, 2023
Weekday Versus Weekend Average Daily Counts, 2023

These data are collected with Eco-Counter equipment. In-field accuracy has not been tested. Undercounts may occur when multiple people are walking directly side-by-side when passing the sensor.

Short-Term Bicycle & Pedestrian
Count Studies

Between May and October of 2021, the MPO conducted bicycle and pedestrian counts at 13 intersections chosen for having at least five pedestrian and/or bicycle crashes between 2010 and 2019. Counts were collected and analyzed with Miovision traffic count equipment for an average of 6 days per intersection either from 7:00AM to 9:00PM or 12:00AM to 12:00PM.

In addition, since 2023, the MPO and partners have deployed Miovision traffic counters throughout the City to collect short-term counts. 

The map and tables below contain site-specific count information including the average daily walkers and bikers. This average differs from an annual daily average because counts were only collected during the warmer months. Additionally, the breakdown of people walking versus biking and the location of bicycles on the road are included.

2021 Short-Term Count Project Intersection Data

IntersectionAverage Daily Walkers & BikersPercent WalkersPercent BikersPercent Bikers in RoadPercent Bikers in Crosswalk
Cerrillos/Camino Consuelo44367%33%33%67%
Cerrillos/Calle del Cielo39773%27%31%69%
Cerrillos/Vegas Verdes33480%20%20%80%
St. Francis/Cordova31079%21%28%72%
Cerrillos/St. Michael's20868%32%37%63%
St. Francis/Alta Vista15449%51%46%54%
St. Michael's/Pacheco12480%20%55%45%
Airport/South Meadows11767%33%36%64%

Short-Term Count Studies: 2023-2024​

IntersectionMonthYearObservation PeriodTotal HoursAverage Daily Walkers and BikersPercent WalkersPercent BikersPercent Bikers in RoadPercent Bikers in Crosswalk
Cerrillos/AirportSeptember20239/7/23 6:00AM - 9/9/23 11:17PM65.313685%15%12%88%
Cerrillos/BecknerSeptember20239/7/23 6:00AM - 9/10/23 5:58AM724343%57%60%40%
Cerrillos/Camino Carlos ReySeptember20239/14/23 6:00AM - 9/17/23 4:56AM7161880%20%43%57%
Cerrillos/JaguarSeptember20239/7/23 6:00AM - 9/9/23 6:26PM60.46269%31%67%33%
Cerrillos/LujanSeptember20239/21/23 6:00AM - 9/24/23 5:58AM7228673%27%46%54%
Cerrillos/SilerSeptember20239/14/23 6:00AM - 9/17/23 5:58AM7244684%16%54%46%
Cerrillos/St. Michael'sSeptember20239/14/23 6:00AM - 9/16/23 8:49PM62.821480%20%40%60%
Cerrillos/Vegas VerdesSeptember20239/21/23 6:00AM - 9/23/24 3:33PM57.534289%11%36%64%
Cerrillos/ZafaranoSeptember20239/21/23 6:00AM - 9/24/23 2:18AM68.345887%13%30%70%
St. Michael's/LlanoApril20244/25/24 5:00AM - 8:00PM, 4/26/24 5:00AM - 8:00PM3024290%10%28%72%
Guadalupe/San FranciscoJune, July20236/25/23 5:00AM - 9:00PM, 6/28/23 5:00AM - 9:00PM, 6/30/23 4:00AM - 10:00PM, 7/1/23 12:00AM - 11:59PM74202093%7%78%22%
Rail Trail/Paseo de PeraltaSeptember, October20239/30/23 6:00AM - 11:59PM, 10/5/23 6:00AM - 11:59PM, 10/6/23 6:00AM - 11:59PM54132280%20%
Arroyo de los Chamisos Trail/Rodeo - Total Count for PeriodJuly20237/4/23 6:00PM - 11:00PM558594%6%
Paseo de Peralta/Old Taos HighwaySeptember20239/19/23 6:00AM - 9/20/23 6:20PM36.323778%22%83%17%

These data were collected via Miovision Scout traffic detection equipment and analyzed by Miovision. When cameras are placed correctly, they guarantee the following bicycle and pedestrian count accuracy: for volumes of up to 50 in a 15-minute period, they will be accurate to within +/-5 pedestrians / bicycles. They will provide 95% accuracy for volumes above 50 per 15-minute segment. When pedestrians are grouped in clusters, they will provide volumes accurate to within +/- 25% per unique cluster.

Last updated: 01/23/2025

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After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.