Southside greenway loop

Public Input and Visioning

The Southside Greenway Loop is a 2.24 mile proposed multi-use trail loop formed by the planned Acequia and River Trails. This trail has been included in regional transportation plans and is considered important to expanding the City of Santa Fe’s bikeways network, which is vital to addressing the City of Santa Fe’s sustainability goals by offering safe routes for alternative transportation modes. 

But is that all this trail is? 

Is that all it can be?

We need to hear from you!


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Keep scrolling for details on how to win a bike or other prizes!

Health related demographics were examined in the March 2021 Southside Greenway Loop Community Health Profile and showed that park and trail access is currently less than in other parts of the county. This document has elevated our perception of need in this community for both safer transportation routes, and also more access to recreational spaces.

The loop is identified on the map to the right as the “SSSA Trail proposed for construction”  in blue-green. This is how it is referred to in the Community Health Profile. 

 We have the route selected, but what are we overlooking? What else is needed? How urgent is this project actually? Please help us to understand your neighborhood needs so that you get the public investments that will benefit you. 


Now, we want to hear from YOU!

Right now, we are analyzing the results from our game

Recently, we met in the neighborhood to visit some of the locations along the trail to hear your feedback, concerns, and get your ideas. 

We are always interested in your feedback, so if you can’t play at this time feel free to send us your comments anyway using the “Get in Touch” button at the top of this page!

Game... Over

This game, hosted by the MPO, resulted in somebody winning a free bicycle! The winner found at least 10 of the signs around the community and answered the questions via a survey! 

See the questions

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Utilice los enlaces a continuación para acceder a las encuestas

  1. Was getting here easy? ¿Fue fácil llegar aqui?
  2. Would you use a paved trail here? ¿Usarías un sender pavimentado aquí?
  3. What would make a paved trail here feel safe? ¿Qué haría que un sendero pavimentado aquí se sintiera seguro?
  4. What’s your favorite thing about this community? ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de esta comunidad?
  5. Would you use a paved trail here? ¿Usarías un sendero pavimentado aquí?
  6. What would make a paved trail here feel welcoming? ¿Qué haría que un sendero pavimentado aquí se sintiera acogedor?
  7. Do you use this trail to get to school? Usas este sendero para ir a la escuela?
  8. Do you feel safe walking here? ¿Te sientes seguro caminando aquí?
  9. Is there enough lighting here? ¿Hay suficiente iluminación aquí?
  10. Do you use this bike lane? ¿Usas este carril para andar en bici?
  11. Would you use a paved trail here? ¿Usarías un sendero pavimentado aquí?
  12. What feature would you like on a paved trail here? ¿Qué característica te gustaría ver en un sendero pavimentado aquí?
  13. Would a paved trail here add value to this neighborhood? ¿Crees que un sendero pavimentado aquí le agregaría valor a este vecindario?
  14. Do you love this trail? Let us know! ¿Te encanta este sendero? ¡Háznoslo saber!
  15. How often do you use this trail? ¿Con qué frecuencia usas este sendero?
  16. Would you use this trail more if it connected to another here? ¿Usarías más este sendero si estuviera conectado a otro aquí?
  17. How did you get here today? ¿Cómo llegaste aquí hoy?
  18. What would make it easier to get here? ¿Como seria más fácil llegar hasta aquí?
  19. Do you have enough places to walk in this neighborhood? ¿Hay suficientes lugares para caminar en este vecindario?
  20. Would you like more paved trails in this neighborhood? ¿Te gustaría ver más senderos pavimentados en este vecindario?
  21. How often do you walk in this neighborhood? ¿Con qué frecuencia caminas por este vecindario?
  22. Do you have enough places to walk in this neighborhood? ¿Tienes suficientes lugares para caminar en este vecindario?
  23. Would you use a paved trail here? ¿Usarías un sendero pavimentado aquí?
  24. How often do you walk here? ¿Con qué frecuencia caminas aquí?
  25. Have you ever used this bike pump? ¿Has usado alguna vez esta bomba de bicicleta?
  26. Is there enough variety of walking routes in this neighborhood? ¿Hay suficiente variedad de rutas de senderismo en este vecindario?
  27. Can you walk to a park from here? ¿Puedes caminar a un parque desde aquí?
  28. Is this trail safe for youth? ¿Este sendero es seguro para los jóvenes?
  29. How could this trail be improved? ¿Cómo se podría mejorar este sendero?
  30. Do you feel safe and comfortable walking here? ¿Te sientes seguro y cómodo caminando aquí?
  31. Are there enough play spaces in this neighborhood? ¿Hay suficientes espacios para juegar en este vecindario?
  32.  Is this trail safe for women? ¿Este sendero es seguro para las mujeres?
33. Should the River Trail Extend North? ¿Debería extenderse el sendero del río hacia el norte?

Don’t have a smartphone? 

 Use the links below to access the surveys.

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After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.