Upcoming Agenda Items
Most months, the MPO meets with the Transportation Policy Board and Technical Coordinating Commitee.
These meetings are always open to the public!
And your input is always welcome.
see meeting items Neighborhood Street Safety Study
Is out of context now
We can't change everything. What can be done?
See the data, read the story announcements:
Hyde Park Road
bike-route feasibility
Read more
Go!Multi-Modal Transition Plan
A version of this plan was approved by Governing Body! What does it say?
How are we going to address personal transportation while decreasing vehicle miles traveled?
See all the pieces Local Road Safety Plan
This document is poised to become a guiding plan for your future roadway network.
What does it reveal?
Get to know it.
Read Agua Fria
This street is well used by a variety of people, but could it be improved near Frenchy's Park?
The City commissioned a study
See itComplete Streets
Streets are our largest public asset, and people want to use them in a variety of ways...
What are they?
Thinking about streets as a crucial part of our environment is changing the way we design them
You want to see the details? Cerrillos Improvements
You use this street. Stay informed!
Get Informed
East of St. Mikes nearly to the intersection of St. Francis, what's happening to Cerrillos?
Stay informed How do we connect with people?
We want people to see what is coming in their neighborhoods. But are we making it easy enough?
A plan in comic form?
This project is about helping people to see the value of their landscape and what could be invested in with their attention
Read about this effort 
Are you interested in a vanpool opportunity sponsored by the NMDOT?
Riding Together Adds Up!
Save up to $6,000 per year with a
33% discount from NMGo! This
Complete turn-key program, include maintenance, insurance, roadside assistance and a guaranteed ride home.
Tell me more 
St. Francis meet St. Mikes
New Overpass
To not decide is to decide
The bridge needs to be replaced. What are the options and issues in discussion?
Get informed What are you looking for?
View members, agendas and minutes of the Santa Fe MPO Policy Board and Technical Coordinating Committee. →
Featured News & Content

View the 2018 Santa Fe Bikeways and Trail Map or order a printed copy of the 2021 map. The 2021 digital copy is coming soon! →

Want to find out where and why construction is occurring right now?
Check out the City Orange Barrel Report!