Neighborhood transportation safety
The City, in coordination with the MPO via the 2022 Local Road Safety Plan, kicked off this supporting safety study specifically focusing on understanding the unique needs and perceptions amongst the residents of an evolving Santa Fe neighborhood:
In support of the MPO’s Local Road Safety Plan adopted in 2022 the MPO along with Councilor Jamie Cassutt completed a focused study on a neighborhood in District 4, with the intent of understanding the needs of residents in order to feel safe and free to use a variety of ways of traveling through the area.
Have you seen new buffered bikelane striping on Yucca and Rodeo? These areas were immediately restriped in response to this study as an step towards greater safety in this area. Is it enough? Study implications suggest more could be done but let's start somewhere.
This study is the first of its kind for Santa Fe.
Read about it in the interactive storymap below or click to open the storymap in a new window