Crash data
photo credit: zubin stillings
The MPO works with the University of New Mexico Traffic Research Unit to obtain annual crash data for the metropolitan planning area. The MPO shares the data with local representatives and agency staff to inform transportation projects throughout the MPO area.
crash map
The below interactive crash map is hosted by the UNM Earth Data Analysis Center and the Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety. The data are aggregated in a hex pattern that gets smaller the more you zoom in to display the density of crashes.
How to use this map:
- Zoom into Santa Fe by double clicking or using the zoom symbol (+) in the upper left corner.
- Select the desired year and/or desired mode involved in the crash (pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle).
- For more detailed instructions, click “User Guide” in the top panel on the right.
crash analysis
The Santa Fe Local Road Safety Plan did a number of crash analyses on 2015-2019 crash data. These analyses looked specifically at crash factors such as:
- speeding
- roadway departure
- distracted driving
- impaired driving
- occupant restraint
- older and younger drivers
- and vulnerable road users.
hsip vulnerable user dashboard
The New Mexico Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) created the dashboard below focused on bicycle and pedestrian fatal and serious injuries. Use the interactive map or the categories at the top to select for your area of interest and the information panel on the left will update to your selected area.
Use the arrows on the bottom panels to explore more information about the crashes in the selected area.