The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Non-Mandatory Program provides funding for projects and programs that improve air quality and reduce congestion.
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Last updated: 11/25/2019
General Public Vanpool and Rideshare Services – NMDOT
S100630 Arroyo Hondo Segment II
S100640 Arroyo Hondo Segment III
Monica Roybal Center
737 Agua Fria Street
Santa Fe, NM
View Map
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Virtually 8 -5 weekdays
©2019 Santa Fe MPO | All Rights Reserved
After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.