Last updated: 11/25/2019

Transportation Alternatives Program


The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is a federal program authorized under Section 1122 of the federal transportation funding act, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) and continued in the now FAST-Act, signed December of 2015. TAP provides funding for programs and projects such as: pedestrian and bicycle facilities, safe routes to school projects, infrastructure improvements that provide non-drivers better access to transit, environmental mitigation, and other infrastructure improvements to the transportation system. TAP continues to build upon the legacy of the Transportation Enhancements (TE) and Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) programs by supporting community based projects that expand travel choices, strengthen local economies, improve quality of life, protect the natural environment, and enhance transportation infrastructure.  MAP-21 also requires that all states develop a competitive process specifically for TAP project selection. NMDOT views the development of a competitive process for TAP funds as an opportunity to develop transparent project solicitation, prioritization and selection processes.

FFY2020 and FFY2021 TAP Awarded projects

S100650 – Acequia Trail – Rufina to San Felipe – Preliminary Engineering 

  • Lead Agency: City of Santa Fe – Project Type: Bicycle and Pedestrian project
  • Total programmed: $300,000:
    • Preliminary engineering programmed:  $256,320/$43,680 federal dollars/local match

S100660 – Canada Trail Connection – Calle Majia to Camino Francisca

  • Lead Agency: City of Santa Fe Bicycle – Project Type: Bicycle and Pedestrian project.
  • Total programmed: $900,000
    • Construction programmed: $800,000: $700,000/$100,000 federal TAP dollars/local match
    •  Design programmed: $100,000: $68,960/$31,040 federal TAP dollars/local match

S100670 – Santa Fe Safe Routes To School Coordinator

  • Lead Agency: City of Santa Fe Bicycle – Project Type: Bicycle and Pedestrian project
  •  The Santa Fe Safe Routes to School Coordinator shall: A) Coordinate with all appropriate agencies and stakeholders; B) Develop policies, programs and community outreach events in partnership with stakeholders to advance the goals of proven SFTS programs: C) Compile and analyze data relevant to safe and active mobility options in order to develop reasonable baseline performance measures; and D) Provide timely reports and information to all stakeholders.
  • Total programmed: $343,406
    •  Non-infrastructure programmed: $293,406/$50,000 federal TAP dollars/local match

FFY2020 and FFY2021 Call for Projects

The Santa Fe MPO is soliciting applications for projects to be considered for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020 and 2021 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Funding within the MPO Planning Area (See the Planning Area Map linked below). All project applications that are located within the MPO Planning Area must be submitted to the Santa Fe MPO.  The May 12th Staff Memorandum and supporting documents and forms for this process are available for download below.

For more information on the TAP contact:

Erick Aune, MPO Transportation Planner 505-955-6664

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After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.