Last updated: 11/16/2021

Santa Fe Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2015-2040

Approved by the Transportation Policy Board August 27, 2015


The Santa Fe MPO is contracting with professional transportation consultants, FHU out of Colorado to update the MPO’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan. We are including “rough-draft” chapters here for your review as they develop. New elements the MPO will be introducing to the MTP include:

  • Highlighting the relationship between public health and transportation policy and investments;
  • Integrating our multi-modal master plans including the Metropolitan Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Master Plans; and
  • The development of a performance management approach to transportation investments.

Why the 2015 MTP update is important?

  • Guides Federal, State and local transportation funds
  • Reflects and implements the community’s vision for its futuretransportation system
  • Includes strategies, projects and funding options to realize that vision.

It’s not just about cars, buses and bikes! It’s about…

  • Safety, Mobility, Accessibility
  • The Economy
  • Your Health
  • Social Equity
  • Land Use
  • Walkability/Livability

If you have questions or comments on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan Draft Chapters, please contact:

Erick Aune, MPO Transportation Planner or 505-955-6664
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