Santa Fe’s Street Stories
Santa Fe's street stories
Getting there is essential to being there
Photo Competition:
The winning 4
Activity Book!
Follow Francis as she has a busy day in Santa Fe with her family! The pdf holds fun transportation-related activities and games, and is interactive when you download it!
First Place $500.00: Zubin Stillings for “Plaza Shadows”
Second Place $350.00: Weston Keller for “Looming Shadow of the Original Way to get Around”
Third place $250.00: Justina Pecos for “BBQ After Biking”
Fourth Place $100.00: Paula Senes for “Keep Walking – Look Forward”
Dear Santa Fe Youth who participated in this effort,
Thank you. Even if your work did not win, and even when it was disqualified for not precisely following the details and guidelines. All of your photos were beautiful. There was only a single shot that we can’t remember.
Please, keep speaking your truth and telling your stories to every person that you can. You are so valuable, your perspective essential.
-Santa Fe’s MPO
Why the highlight? The word here is supposed to mean the “the participation of an individual in the creation of transportation infrastructure”. Every transportation project, all our infrastructure, begins with an idea inside the head of a person. Thank you then, for sharing your ideas
Winning photographs were selected by SFMPO staff and the three following guest judges. The SFMPO Thanks them for giving their time and trained eye to this effort.
In no particular order, they are:
Urey Lemen who picked up his love for photography as a boy watching his father take family pictures and home movies. An avid outdoorsman Urey is mainly a landscape and wildlife photographer. He is a current and founding member of the Albuquerque Photographers’ Gallery in Albuquerque’s Old Town.
Ken Duckert’s photography started with a Kodak box camera in 1955. Later in 1966, photography helped pay college costs. He loved to travel and had a popular website showing his photos. Ken has served as a leader in the Corrales Art community and taught numerous wildlife photography workshops. He photos have been shown in galleries, shows, public offices and restaurants. He has won numerous awards for his work and now shows his work on a limited basis in Corrales.
Jerry Goffe. Photography has been Jerry Goffe’s professional career for over 40 years. Nature and wildlife photography is Jerry’s passion. He traveled throughout Alaska as well as Costa Rica every year leading photographic tours. He was a volunteer, guide and photographer at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. He was also a volunteer at the Rio Grande Nature Center and was an instructor at CNM. Jerry takes great joy in sharing the beauty and splendor of nature and is often referred to as “The Bird Paparazzo.” His photographs have appeared in Sunset Magazine, Audubon Magazine, Architectural Forum, Sierra Club Magazine, AIA Journal, El Defensor Chieftain, Smithsonian Magazine, Slippery Rock Gazette, Strad Magazine, The Mountain Mail and National Geographic. His images can be seen at the United States Supreme Court and the Library of Congress.
Connect with us on facebook to discuss these works (we are reachable via email and phone as well)!
¡Queremos escuchar sus historias también!
Read More street stories!
Rose's Story
Carlos's Story
Sarah's Story
Melissa's Story
here are ways to Reach us
You can message us, or post it on our page
Use our survey monkey link, and we can post it on this page after review
email Leah or Hannah, anytime, about anything. Title it "street story" if you hope to see it on this page!
Jennifer's Story
Erick's story
Daniel's Story
Melinda's Story
Leah's Story
Hannah's Story
Thanks to
for the use of his mural at the top of this page,
and visible in-person at the IAIA campus in Santa Fe.
Click on his name above to go to his website

Ah... the glorious cars
Office Address
500 Market Street, Suite 200
(Doorway to the left of REI Store)
Santa Fe, NM
View Map
Office Hours
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday – Friday
(505) 955-6664
©2019 Santa Fe MPO | All Rights Reserved