Pedestrian Facility Improvement Project

Pedestrian Facility Improvement Program
GOAl: to develop a list of high priority (ranked) pedestrian Improvement proects under 50k for construction based on objective criteia
In December of 2018, Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (SFMPO) and the City of Santa Fe (City) hired Sites Southwest (SSW) to help prioritize the pedestrian improvement projects identified in three of Santa Fe’s previous planning efforts. They examined bus stops, curb ramps, sidewalks, and intersections.
The Sites Southwest team developed scoring criteria and an evaluation matrix based on improvements identified in the City of Santa Fe’s Transition Public Right-of-Way Update (PROW, 2017), The Santa Fe Metropolitan Bus Stop and Sidewalk Connectivity Assessment (2016), and the Santa Fe Metropolitan Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) 2015-2040 (2015).
As more pedestrian improvement projects are identified they can be added to the GIS data, which then can be used to rate them based on the same criteria identified in the previous task. The map can then be updated to reflect any new or completed projects.