Last updated: 10/19/2023

The MTP was updated after consultation with many people. We presented the draft to the TPB on Thursday May 28, 2020 who requested important but minor changes, otherwise approving the document.

This document guides many of the transportation projects that you will see happening in your neighborhood, around the City of Santa Fe, in parts of Santa Fe County, or in the Pueblo of Tesuque.

This document includes MTP Amendments 1-3.

Amendment 4 includes the addition of 7 projects to the MTP project list. Public comment is open October 1st – October 30th, 2023. Email [email protected] to provide feedback or for more information.

Visit the Bicycle Master Plan page for details about the concurrent Bicycle Master Plan update.

Read the Mtp Executive Summary

MTP Appendices

  • A. Electric Scooter Recommendations
  • B. Public Outreach
  • C. Scenario Planning
  • D. Comprehensive List of Proposed Santa Fe County Projects
  • E. Performance Target Reporting & Strategies


The 2020-2045 MTP Self Certification
The PPP Self Certification

Thanks to eveyone who commented on our Public Participation Plan (PPP)! The PPP was also adopted by the TPB on May 28, 2020. Click the pic to read these documents!

The Process of updating the MTP and the PPP

Updating THE MTP

To update the 2015 – 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), the Santa Fe MPO began March 1, 2019 and the plan was adopted ahead of schedule in May, 2020 by the TPB. It was due in August of 2020.


The MTP is a multimodal long‐range transportation plan developed and adopted through the transportation planning process for an MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization).


The MTP addresses a planning horizon of 20 or more years and includes both short and long‐range transportation strategies and actions. The plan must be and is fiscally constrained to demonstrate alignment between proposed transportation investments and reasonably available sources of revenue, either existing or future. The plan can be amended as needed, and with the COVID19 pandemic changing fiscal outlooks prior to the plans adoption, many are expected amendments to this plan.


The MTP update ensures the objectives outlined by the MPO, the state, and the public transportation providers for the development of the metropolitan area’s transportation network are being met. Federal Law (23 CFR 450.322 and 23 USC 134) requires the MTP be updated at least every five-years and provides requirements on the process and content for the plan.


The Public Participation Plan (PPP) guides public participation activities conducted by the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (the “MPO”). The process outlined in the Public Participation Plan is the basis for the development of the twenty-five year Metropolitan Transportation Plan and its amendments. The process shall result in plans and programs that consider all transportation modes and supports metropolitan community development and social goals

Public Participation Framework: 
2020-2045 MTP

Plan Objectives:

  • Be developed in consultation with all interested parties.
  • Ensure that the planning process and planning work products employ innovative visualization and other public engagement techniques to the maximum extent practicable.
  • Provide interested parties with ample opportunities to offer ideas, suggestions, and other input on both the planning process and the content of any planning products.
  • A schedule for workshops and other meetings shall be developed in consultation with a team selected to support the process to give interested parties opportunities to provide input to the plan.
  • Provide for consultation with Federal, State, and tribal wildlife, land management, and regulatory agencies regarding potential environmental mitigation activities and potential areas to carry out these activities, including activities that may have the greatest potential to restore and maintain the environmental functions affected by the plan.
  • Provide for systematic documentation and archiving of any input received.
  • Ensure that all public information is available in electronic, accessible formats and means, as appropriate, to afford reasonable opportunity for public consideration.
  • Provide for holding all public meetings at convenient, accessible locations and times.
The PPP is required to be updated alongside the MTP



The previous Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2015-2040 served as an important framework that addressed the transportation needs of the Santa Fe MPO over a 25 year horizon. It was adopted by the MPO Transportation Policy Board in August of 2015.


The MTP reflects our community’s vision for the future transportation system – roads, bridges, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities, transit/rail facilities, operations, and program support. It integrates mode-specific master plans and corridor studies.


The MTP enables and guides the use of federal, state and local funding for transportation network improvements.


Once reviewed and certified by the New Mexico Department of Transportation and the Federal Highways and Transit Administrations, the Santa Fe MTP guides future capital investment to improve all modes of transportation within the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Area.


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After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.