Last updated: 01/22/2025


The Bicycle Master Plan was approved by the MPO Policy Board on June 27, 2019. 

BMP Trail Projects lists

Trail projects are phased and ranked in the BMP.

View the project map

Maps are cool!

The approved 2019 Bicycle Master Plan is available! Refer to the appendices for even more information. All the appendices are valuable, but we are especially pleased to present the Metropolitan Bicycle Design Toolkit.

  • This toolkit is found in Appendix A of the Bicycle Master Plan
    • The purpose of this toolkit is to provide guidance for planning, designing, and operating bicycle facilities in the Santa Fe region of New Mexico. It provides information on infrastructure for bicycle travel in most urban, suburban, and rural contexts.
      • The toolkit is not intended to be a detailed design manual for every situation, but is flexible enough for designs that are context-sensitive while incorporating the needs of all users
    • The toolkit can be used to inform the future development of decision-making policies and design standards for bicycle facilities across the region.
      • It is not regulatory, but recommendations reflect national best practices for the planning and design of bicycle facilities that accommodate riders of all skill levels.

We value your opinion: Did we get it right? Did we miss anything? Any critical and supporting comments will be of value to the planning process

If you would like to provide input, contact:

Erick Aune, MPO Officer via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 505.955.6664. You are welcome to stop by the offices at the Monica Roybal Center at 737 Agua Fria Street.

Final Document


Review Amendment 1 and Amendment 2 to the 2019 BMP. Public comment was open 10/1/23-10/30/23. Email Leah at [email protected] for more information. These projects were incorporated into the BMP.

web-based mapping platform

Click the double arrows (») in the top left corner to view the legend and toggle on or off the layers. Click each line for project details.

The Santa Fe MPO completed updating Bicycle Master Plan and included a new web-based mapping platform. This platform will allow the public and decision makers to identify specific projects (existing/in the works/proposed) identified in the plan. You may seek out a specific project, click on it and view a list of details. Alternatively you may query the site for a project and find it on the map. The map will also have multiple information layers with options to view in street map mode or imagery mode.

2012 Santa Fe Metropolitan Bicycle Master Plan

The Santa FE MPO Transportation Policy Board Approved the Santa Fe Metropolitan Bicycle Master Plan on April 12th, 2012 and is available for download below.

PDF File – 12.0Mb in Size

The Metropolitan Bicycle Master Plan is for the Santa Fe metropolitan area.  This Plan serves to coordinate investments in Multi-use Trails and On-Road facilities, establish common guidelines for design, construction and maintenance, and develop shared strategies on education, enforcement and encouragement of bicycling as a transportation choice in the Santa Fe area.

PDF File – 3.0Mb in Size

Hard copies of this document are available for review at the following public libraries:

Hard copies are also available for review at the MPO office located at: City of Santa Fe Offices @ Market Station

For more information or if you have questions, please contact:
Erick J. Aune, MPO Senior Planner 505-955-6664

Bikeways Mapping Project

The Bikeways Mapping Project was conducted during the first phase in the development of the Bicycle Master Plan.  The project identifies a system of major multi-use paths and significant roadways that may comprise an “arterial bikeway” system in the MPO area.  Possible improvements to these bikeways, and connections to them and between them, were analyzed and prioritized  with respect to each segment’s contribution toward system connectivity, anticipated local demand basedon land use, specific safety advantages, and feasibility.  The list of priorities for trail and road improvements from this project were finalized during the development of the Master Plan.

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After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.