
Technical Coordinating Committee, Policy Board Members, 

& members of the public.

This page includes all agenda item details for your review. We will be using this page for easy access to agenda items for upcoming public meetings. These are now held in person at the Monica Roybal Center.


Virtual participation in meetings officially ended in the spring of 2022. In-person meetings have resumed and are held at the Monica Roybal Center (737 Agua Fria) in the conference room unless otherwise noticed. Public participation and commentary will only be accepted at the meetings by in-person attendees, You are welcome to contact us with your thoughts on this matter.

PLEASE Review the following items & send preliminary comments and questions via the email address below

Staff will provide responses to questions at the bottom of the items section for access to all.

agendas and minutes

TPB agenda:



  • What else is on this page?
    • In the following section, the MPO intends to list previous actions made by the TCC or TPB. This work is in progress and ongoing. Please visit the committee pages to view agendas and minutes if more information is needed. If anything is missing, we encourage you to contact us!
  • What happens if the MTP fiscally contrained list is amended?
    • The MTP (Metropolitan Transportation Plan) fiscally constrained plan, or fiscally constained list are those those regional roadway projects that are expected to be funded in the next 25 years, along with the priorities for transit, bicycle, and pedestrian travel modes. It is constrained by our reasonable funding projections, and projects not on that list must wait for additional, or unexpected sources of capital in order to be included.
  • Where is the I-25 bridge adjusted by 2020 – 2025 TIP amendment #4? 

Previous items

Past Tcc Minutes & agendas

All posted minutes and agendas by date for the TCC

Past TPB Minutes & agendas

All posted minutes and agendas by date for the TPB

Some Previous actions

November 2024:

  •  Approval of the FFY 2024-2029 TIP amendment 5 occurred, please ser our TIP page for more information
  • The TPB approved the 2025 meeting calendar

October 2024:

September 2024:

  •  The 2024 Performance Measure 3 Mid-Period Target Adjustments were reviewed and adopted. 
  • The 2025 Performance Measure 1 Safety Targets/Highway Safety Improvement Program targets were reviewed and dopted via Self-Certification. For more details, Read more

June 2024:

May 2024:

March 2024:

  •  Upcoming updates to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan were discussed, with the SFMPO possibly moving towards a more electronic dissemination of this work. 
  • The TPB heard about common data sources used frequently by the MPO to investigate the transportation safety. Crash data was not discussed but this data is also used as a primary resource. Safety remains the focus of the MPO’s planning efforts. To see the information presented this link will work temporarily. 

February 2024:

  • The Chair and Vice Chair of the TPB were selected.
  • 2024-2029 Formal TIP Amendment 2 was adopted. Amendments allocated $144,000 in additional construction funds to relocate active advance warning signals at the rail crossing on US-285, and $15,584,447 in FFY28 construction funding added for I-25 pavement rehabilitation. Read more on our TIP page
  • Safety targets were discussed and the Performance Measures were adopted. Read about these and access the self certificate.

December 2023 (SPECIAL MEETING):

  • The TPB adopted the first-ever Santa Fe Safe Routes to School Plan, with a few minor changes to the appendix and languages. It is upcoming, and will soon be posted. The future work will be carried out by the Santa Fe Public schools.  

November 2023:

  • The TCC reccomended that the TPB adopt an amendment for an update to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). It was adopted via self certificate. 
  • The TCC reccomended that the TPB adopt an amendment for an update to the Bicycle Master Plan (BMP). It was adopted via self certificate. 
  • The MPO committee meeting calendar was reviewed and approved for 2024.

September 2023:

  • The TPB adopted the Neighborhood Safety Study as a an important document to inform traffic calming actions in a particular neighborhood in Santa Fe. It is expected that the techniques from this study may be considered for use in the wider Santa Fe. 
  • The 2020 Urban Area adjustment was reviewed by the TCC and approved by the TPB for submittal to the NMDOT. See the self certificate.  It defines which road segments will be identified for “rural” or “urban” funding.  

August 2023:

  • The 2024-2029 TIP (Transportation improvement program) was reccomended for adoption by the TCC and adopted by the TPB. It included a new project centered on Traffic Signal Safety Improvements. 

June 2023:

  • The draft 2024-2029 TIP (Transportation improvement program) was reccomended for realease to the public for review. Look at our the TIP page for information and updates. 

May 2023:

  • The TCC recommended approval of TIP amendment 7. This was then adopted by the TPB. See the signed self certificate

April 2023:

  • After review and recommendation by the TCC, the TPB adopted amendment #3 of the MTP, which added 3 new projects. See the signed self-certificate.
  • It’s not a traditional “plan” but look, kids are impacted and affected by our decisions too! Do they have a voice if the documents are always inaccessible? Won’t they grow up and still need the Acequia Trail / River Trail Cottonwood Loop? The TPB adopted this document. See the certificate.   
  • Amendment 1 of the BMP? Look at all these new trails that should be, and are going to be included now that the TPB approved this list. See the certificate. Or check out our bicycle master plan page for maps and information!
  • The City will lead the Henry Lynch/Agua Fria Roundabout Project with funds expected to come from the NMDOT local road fund. 

February 2023:

  • After review and recommendation by the TCC, the TPB adopted 3 performance measures, for safety, pavement and bridge condition, and travel time reliability. Read more about these and see the signed certificates.  
  • Formal amendment 1 of the UPWP was adopted by the TPB and includes revision to the FFY23 grant funds awarded. Visit our Unified Planning Work Program page for details. 
  • The TCC and the TPB named a new chair, and Vice chair. We reviewed the TPB training manual, and introduced an illustrated plan created to improve outreach to youthful audience. The plan is illustrated through the use of a story that highlights a multi-modal trail project that would be situated directly along the historic route of the El Camino Real de Tierro Adentro in the National Historic Trail system identified by the National Park Service. Read the story! Or find out more about that project
  • The MPO is taking public comment on amendments to both of these important guiding documents: the MTP (Metropolitan Transportation Plan) and BMP (Bicycle Master Plan). 

Nov 2022:

  • The TPB requested that the City of Santa Fe Offices of the City Manager and Finance Director consider an Annual Voluntary Funds based on 12% of the total annual Santa Fe MPO allotment to Support Transportation Planning Services from the Santa Fe MPO as allowed in the Santa Fe MPO Joint Powers Agreement. 
  • TIP amendment 5 was approved by the TPB. Visit our TIP page for details. 
  • There was continued discussion about whether the recently updated city adopted resolution to build “Complete Streets” should next become a city ordinance given by the American Heart Association. Slides from the presentation can be reviewed in the agenda packet
  • The TPB and TCC 2023 meeting calendar has been approved. 

Sept 2022:

  • Meetings were canceled due to a lack of official items. The TPB voted to release the TIP amendment 5 for public comment via electronic communication.

August 2022:

  •  The MOA with the NMDOT for accepting the allotted annual funds for the SFMPO was appoved for FFY 2023
  • The Local Road Safety plan that FHWA released in collaboration with the SFMPO was approved. This important document stands to become one the guiding documents for the SFMPO, read this document here.
  • TIP amendment 4 was adopted. See the details on our TIP page.

July 2022:

  • No items, the TCC meeting was canceled.

June 2022:

  • Originally adopted in April, the TPB adopted a new version of the Unified Planning Work Program or “UPWP” which details MPO collaboration with stakeholders to a finer level. See the self certificate
  • The TPB also approved the Memorandum of Agreement detailing how the SFMPO will work with the NMDOT in all matters. 

May 2022:

  • Meetings resumed in person and will henceforth occur on the approved date and time at the Roundhouse room at Market station above the REI in the railyard unless a new deciscion ensues.
  • The TPB approved TIP Amendment 3: see the self certificate.

April 2022:

  • The Unified Planning Work Program, aka the “UPWP”, was approved. 
  • The final draft of the MPO Complete Streets resolution as updated was approved. 
  • Projects were reviewed and ranked for the Local Agency 2022 Transportation Project Fund Applications

Feb 2022:

  • The TCC reviewed and the TPB adopted the Performance Measures 1: Safety targets for 2022. See the Self Certificate
  • A Complete Street Resolution was discussed, and a draft presented that could be modified and adopted by the city and county separately, or as an MPO resolution.  
  • County Commissioner Hank Hughs is now serving as the TPB Chair, with Councilor Jaimie Cassutt serving as Vice Chair. Brett Clavio will continue to chair the TCC. 

Nov 2021:

 October 2021:

  • The TCC reviewed Amedment 1 to the  FFY 2022-2027 TIP: it was released for 15 day public comment, but no comments were recieved.

August 2021:

April 2021:

  • The TPB Chair and Vice Chair were elected.  Councilor R. Villarreal will serve as the TPB Chair, and Commissioner H. Hughs will act as its Vice Chair

March 2021:

  • The TPB discussed formal Support of “Comments” to be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget/White House Regarding the Federal Register Notice that solicits public comment on the recommendations from the Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area Standards Review Committee to the Office of Management and Budget concerning changes to the 2010 Standards for Delineating Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas. See the comments.

February 2021:

  • MTP amdendment 2: Inclusion of the Future Roadways Map, was adopted and will be incorporated into the MTP
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between SFMPO, NCRTD and City of Santa Fe was adopted. Read the self certificate
  • TIP amendment 6 was adopted. This was after much discussion about whether broadband, or cable could be run concurrent to impending improvements on Guadalupe. See the self certificate. 

January 2021:

  • TIP amendment 6 was reviewed and released for public comment 

November 2020:

October 2020:

  • A special meeting was held by the TCC on October 1, 2020 to open for public comment pertaining to the amendment of the MTP to include a project updating pedestrian infrastructure along Bishp’s lodge road. See the MTP page

August 2020:

  • TIP AMENDMENT 4: The TCC reccomended adoption of TIP amendment 4
  • The TPB adopted TIP amendment 4.

July 2020

  • TIP AMENDMENT 4: The TCC reviewed TIP amendment 4 and approved opening it for public comment. 

May 2020:

  • MTP: The 2020-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Santa Fe area was adopted by the TPB on May 28, 2020 with TCC support. Minor edits will be made.
  • PPP: The Public Participation Plan was adopted by the TPB on May 28, 2020 with TCC support. 
  • UPWP: The Unified Planning Work Program was adopted by the TPB on May 28,2020 with TCC support. 
  • NCRTD ASP: The NCRTD’s Agency Safety Plan was adopted by the TPB  on May 28, 2020 with TCC support.
  • NCRTD MOU: The Memorandum of Understanding between the MOU and this MPO was adopted by the TPB on May 28, 2020 with support of the TCC. 

February 2020:

  • TIP AMENDMENT 2: Approved by the Transportation Policy Board on February 27, 2020.

November 2019

June 2019:

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After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.