The TPC serves as a multi-jurisdictional transportation planning forum for cooperative decision making on planning, funding, and implementation of transportation infrastructure, programs, and related matters.
Home › Committees › Transportation Policy Board
Last updated: 02/28/2025
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Currently, the MPO is composed of four member governments: the City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, Tesuque Pueblo, and the New Mexico Department of Transportation. As a multi-jurisdictional entity, the MPO addresses transportation systems and improvements as it relates to growth management and land use planning issues within the MPO Planning Area.
Traffic and transportation system problems often cross jurisdictional boundaries; therefore, the need exists for intergovernmental cooperation in the process. Also, the planning process should become integrated with existing individual government processes, and should have established policies and plans that ensure proper coordination among agencies and stakeholders. Representatives from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) are non-voting members and participate in an advisory capacity.
The primary duties of the Transportation Policy Board are:
Commissioner Lisa Cacari Stone – Santa Fe County
Commissioner Adam Fulton Johnson – Santa Fe County
Commissioner Justin S. Greene – Santa Fe County – Chair
Mayor Alan Webber – (Alternate Councilor Jamie Cassutt) – City of Santa Fe
Councilor Alma Castro – City of Santa Fe – Vice Chair
Councilor Pilar Faulkner – City of Santa Fe
Governor Earl Samuel – Pueblo of Tesuque
Rhonda Lopez – New Mexico DOT
(Seated in absence of Member from corresponding Governing Body)
Councilor Lee Garcia – City of Santa Fe
Commissioner Camilla Bustamante – Santa Fe County
Larry Samuel – Tesuque Pueblo; Director, Tribal Historic Preservation Office
Javier Martinez – New Mexico DOT
Monica Roybal Center
737 Agua Fria Street
Santa Fe, NM
View Map
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Virtually 8 -5 weekdays
©2019 Santa Fe MPO | All Rights Reserved
After mapping, projects can be prioritized for funding and implementation. The highest priority projects will be accessible for review with member governments so they can be included into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). . Based on concentrations of high priority projects, high priority pedestrian improvement zones can be designated to complete improvements by geographic area.