The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is our short term funded project list including federally funded projects and any “regionally significant” project (regardless of funding source).
These are the Transportation Improvement Program Projects as of October 1, 2023.
These are the Transportation Improvement Program projects that expended funds in FFY24. It represents nearly $1.2 million worth of road and trail improvements.
City Projects
County Projects
NMDOT Projects
TIP Amendments Awaiting Approval/Draft TIP
STIP/TIP Formal Amendments are major revisions which require public review and comment, re-demonstration of fiscal constraint, or a conformity determination, as well as official approval by the MPOs Transportation Policy Board for projects that fall within the MPO and previewed at the State Transportation Commission for informational purposes only. This is followed by submission to the NMDOT Secretary for approval, and subsequently submitted for approval to the FHWA and FTA.
The comment period will occur after amendments are requested, recieved, processed, reviewed and approved for release. Please refer to the TIP calendar for expected dates.
PROJECTS for Consideration at the February TPB meeting to be AMENDED
Comment period is 1/24/25 – 2/07/25. Email Leah at to comment.
Please contact Leah Yngve, MPO Transportation Planner at
for more information.
No email? Messages can be received: 505-955-6614
Amendments are required for:
The public comment period was open 10/25/24 – 11/08/24. No comments were received.
No amendments were requested during the TIP amendment 4 cycle
The public comment period was open 4/26/24 – 5/10/24. No comments were received.
The public comment period was open 1/25/24 – 2/08/24. No comments were received.
No amendments were requested during the TIP amendment 1 cycle
Amendment Event | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 1 | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 2 | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 3 | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 4 |
SFMPO – Call for Amendment Proposals | 10/02/2023 | 01/02/2024 | 04/1/2024 | 07/01/2024 |
SFMPO – Deadline for Submittal of Amendment Proposals | 10/16/2023 | 01/16/2024 | 04/15/2024 | 07/15/2024 |
SFMPO – TCC Amendment Review and Release for Public Review | 10/23/2023 | 01/22/2024 | 04/22/2024 | 07/22/2024 |
SFMPO – Deadline for Release for 15 Day Public Review | 10/26/2023 | 01/25/2024 | 04/26/2024 | 07/26/2024 |
SFMPO – Deadline for Close of 15 Day Public Review | 11/09/2023 | 02/08/2024 | 05/10/2024 | 08/09/2024 |
SFMPO – TCC Review and Public Comment and Recommendation | 11/13/2023 | 02/19/2024 | 05/20/2024 | 08/19/2024 |
SFMPO – TPB Public Hearing and Approval | 11/16/2023 | 02/22/2024 | 05/23/2024 | 08/22/2024 |
SFMPO – Submit to NMDOT | 11/17/2023 | 02/23/2024 | 05/24/2024 | 08/23/2024 |
Amendment Event | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 5 | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 6 | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 7 | FFY 2024 – 2029 STIP Amendment 8 |
SFMPO – Call for Amendment Proposals | 10/01/2024 | 01/02/2025 | 04/01/2025 | 07/01/2025 |
SFMPO – Deadline for Submittal of Amendment Proposals | 10/16/2024 | 01/16/2025 | 04/15/2025 | 07/15/2025 |
SFMPO – TCC Amendment Review and Release for Public Review | 10/21/2024 | 01/20/2025 | 04/21/2025 | 07/21/2025 |
SFMPO – Deadline for Release for 15 Day Public Review | 10/25/2024 | 01/24/2025 | 04/25/2025 | 07/25/2025 |
SFMPO – Deadline for Close of 15 Day Public Review | 11/08/2024 | 02/07/2025 | 05/09/2025 | 08/08/2025 |
SFMPO – TCC Review and Public Comment and Recommendation | 11/18/2024 | 02/24/2025 | 05/19/2025 | 08/25/2025 |
SFMPO – TPB Public Hearing and Approval | 11/21/2024 | 02/27/2025 | 05/22/2025 | 08/28/2025 |
SFMPO – Submit to NMDOT | 11/22/2024 | 02/28/2025 | 05/23/2025 | 08/29/2025 |
The public comment period was open 4/27/23 – 5/11/23. No comments were received.
No amendments were requested during the TIP amendment 6 cycle
Comment period was 10/28 to 11/11. No comments were received.
Comment period was 4/28 to 5/12, no comments on TIP amendment 3 were recieved. This amendment was approved in May 2022.
No amendments were requested during the TIP amendment 2 cycle
No comments on TIP amendment 1 were recieved. This amendment was approved in Nov. 2021
The FFY2022-2027 TIP was approved by the MPO Policy Board on August 26th, 2021, moved towards FHWA and FTA in September of 2021, and took effect on October 1st, 2021.
No comments on TIP amendment 6 were recieved. This amendment was approved in February 2021
No comments on TIP amendment 6 were recieved. This amendment was approved in February 2021
TIP AMENDMENT (5) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD was open 10/29/2020 to 11/12/2020
TIP AMENDMENT (4) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD was open 07/26/2020 to 08/09/2020
02/06/20 – 02/20/20
11/1/19 – 11/15/19
*S100370–Agua Fria St./Cottonwood Drive Intersection [City Lead]
Design, ROW acquisition and construction of a roundabout at the intersection. Additional HSIP Funds and State Match totaling $665,000
*S100680 – Cerrillos Road Phase IA, B, C, D; phase II Final Design [NMDOT Lead]
Funding increased by $4,386 to match award of project.
Updated Scope and limits. Funding decreased by $1M.
*S100730 – NM 599: Nova Chip Overlay [NMDOT Lead]
*S100720 – NM 599: Mill/Inlay [NMDOT Lead]
*S100710 – I 25 – Bridge 7177: Bridge Rehabilitation [NMDOT Lead]
The FFY2020-2025 TIP was approved by the MPO Policy Board on July 25th,
2019 FHWA and FTA in September of 2019 and took effect on October 1st,
Funding breakdown is as follows:
FY 2020: $1,000,000.00
Pavement Preservation at Various Locations along I-25 in the MPO Area. This project is currently programmed in 2020. It is moving up into 2019 with a production date of August, 2019. The funding breakdown is as follows:
Change the limits to change to I-25 MP 263-277.5 in STIP (STIP currently states MP 264-276).
Funding breakdown is as follows:
FY 2020: $1,000,000.00
You may access the Self Certification for Amendment #2 by clicking image below:
#1. s100590 – Bridge Preventative Maintenance, I-25 (73, #7374, #7375 Nine Mile Road) (NMDOT Lead)
#2. S100580 – NM599 and Via Vetranos Intersection Safety Improvements (NMDOT Lead)
The Public Comment Period ran from February 1, 2018 through February 15, 2018. The MPO Technical Coordinating Committee reviewed and recommended approval of the proposed amendment at their meeting on February 20, 2018 and the MPO Transportation Policy Board approved the Amendment at a Public Hearing on the proposed amendment at their meeting on February 22, 2018.
The Santa Fe MPO’s public participation process satisfies the public participation process for the Santa Fe Trails’ Program of Projects.
For more information, if you have questions, or wish to submit written comment, please contact:
Erick Aune, MPO Transportation Planner 505-955-6664
Written comments can also be mailed to:
Erick Aune MPO Transportation Planner
Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization
P.O. Box 909
Santa Fe, NM87504-0909
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-term project list that includes transportation projects for all modes expected to be funded within a four year period. The TIP is based on the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) which runs from October 1st through September 30th (e.g. FFY2016 begins October 1st, 2015). Development and maintenance of the TIP is covered under 23 U.S. Code § 134 Subsection j.
The MPO is required to produce a new TIP every two years. The FFY2018-2023 TIP was approved by the Policy Board on August 24th, 2017 and was incorporated into the Statewide TIP and approved by FHWA/FTA on September 29th, 2017. The FFY2018-2023 TIP became effective on October 1st, 2017.
Projects included in the TIP must be consistent with the long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
The Santa Fe MPO’s public participation process satisfies the public participation process for Santa Fe Trails’ Program of Projects.
You may access the NMDOT’s State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Public “eSTIP” website by clicking on the image below:
Leah Yngve MPO Transportation Planner or 505-955-6614
MPO’s are required to produce an annual listing of projects (including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities) for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year. The list must be consistent with the categories identified in the adopted TIP and represent the results of a cooperative effort between NMDOT, any affected transit operators, and the MPO. Below are links to the Listing of Obligated Projects since 2014.
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2023 Obligated Federal Funding list – 12/05/2023
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2022 Obligated Federal Funding list –
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2021 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/16/21
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2020 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/07/20
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2019 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/17/19
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2018 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/28/18
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2017 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/18/17
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2016 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/29/16
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2015 Obligated Federal Funding List – 11/23/15
Santa Fe MPO – FFY 2014 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/01/14
FFY2018-2023 TIP Amendement 2- 02/22/18
FFY2018-2023 TIP Amendment 1 – 11/30/17
FFY2016-2021 TIP
FFY2016-2021 TIP Amendment 6 – 09/24/17 [Final TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2016-2021 TIP Amendment 5 – 07/08/17 [Past version of TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2016-2021 TIP Amendment 4 – 03/13/17 [Past version of TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2016-2021 TIP Amendment 3 – 01/05/17 [Past version of TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2016-2021 TIP Amendment 2 – 07/12/16 [Past version of TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2016-2021 TIP Amendment 1 – 05/17/16 [Past version of TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2016-2021 TIP Approved 09/30/15 [Past version of TIP for FFY2016-2021]
FFY2014-2017 TIP
Santa Fe MPO – FFY2015 Obligated Federal Funding List – 11/23/15
Santa Fe MPO – FFY2014 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/01/14
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 8 – 8/11/15 [Final TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 7 – 06/17/15 [Past version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 6 – 03-31-15 [Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 5 – 09/19/14 [Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 4 – 09/19/14 [Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 3 – 06/12/14
[Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 2 – 02/13/14 [Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2014-2017 TIP Amendment 1 – 11/08/13 [Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
F14-2017 TIP Approved 04/11/13 [Past Version of TIP for FFY2014-2017]
FFY2012-2015 TIP
Santa Fe MPO – FFY2013 Obligated Federal Funding List – 12/20/13
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 09/10/13 [Final TIP for FFY2012-2013]FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 08/26/13 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 07/26/13 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 05/30/13
[Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 03/14/13 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 11/08/12 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 09/14/12 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 08/09/12 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 06/25/12 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 04/12/12 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 02/09/12 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 12/14/11 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 11/10/11 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Amended 08/16/11 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2012-2015 TIP Approved 05/12/11 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP
Obligated Project List for FFY2011Obligated Project List for FFY2010
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 09/27/11 [Final TIP for FFY2010-2011]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 08/16/11 [Past Version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 05/23/11 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 05/12/11[Past version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 02/10/11 [Past version of TIP]
FFY 2010-2013 TIP Amended 11/17/10 [Past version of TIP]
FFY 2010-2013 TIP Amended 08-12-10 [Past version of TIP]
FFY 2010-2103 TIP Amended 05-25-10 [Past version of TIP]
FFY 2010-2013 TIP Amended 05-13-10 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 02-11-10 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 10-08-09 [Past version of TIP] FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 08-13-09 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2010-2013 TIP Amended 06-11-09 [Past version of TIP]
FFY2008-2011 TIP
FFY2008-2011 TIP Amendment 08-13-09 [Final TIP for FFY2008-2009]
Obligated Project List for FFY 2005 – 2008
Leah Yngve, MPO Transportation Planner,, 505-955-6614
Monica Roybal Center
737 Agua Fria Street
Santa Fe, NM
View Map
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Virtually 8 -5 weekdays
©2019 Santa Fe MPO | All Rights Reserved